Tuesday, June 8, 2010

becoming sentimental

i have been so busy with packing and getting my life in order, that i sort of forgot that i'm leaving. on my way to my friend's house to return her baking dish, i walked past the gardens overflowing with their summer bounty and through the small park behind my house. the cool evening air was a surprising break from the normal june heat, and the lightning bugs marked my path across the park with their intermittent glow. i walked up the road, stopping in at my favorite italian take out spot and then into the market on strawberry street. while paying at the register, i noticed the basket of infamous chocolate chip cookies, which i have often grabbed as a reward for finishing a test or as solace after a bad day. i realized that although i will be returning to Richmond, i will be leaving this blissful life in the Fan, where i can walk to meet friends, sit in the park and talk to neighbors, and enjoy a face-sized cookie just steps from my apartment. other than this small neighborhood of quaint row homes and beautiful gardens, there is not much else that makes me feel sad to leave this city.
and leaving it i am. tomorrow morning, my car will be packed and i will be on my way to living a nomad's life. first stop, the 'Noke.

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