Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i hate packing

at first, sorting through 28 years of belongings was fun. i reminisced, i organized, i threw away. it was therapeutic. now it just won't end. i thought i would have one box of items from the kitchen to take to Big Stone Gap. now i'm 3 boxes and a couple bags deep. and its hard for me to part with things from the kitchen. i even bought new multi-colored spatulas and baked friendship bread and chocolate chip cookies in the last two days. but i had to get rid of my butter and eggs, right? riiiiight.
i miss the days of my life fitting into the back of my car. now only half of my life fits in the rear of my SUV (with the seats down), while the other half resides with my friends in Richmond. so maybe i don't hate packing. i hate stuff.

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