Sunday, May 30, 2010

yard saling

i could be wrong, but i feel like the concept of a yard sale is purely American in its origin. let me just put all my used crap on my lawn and hope that some schmo wants to buy it is about as shameful as our other contribution to civilization, fast food. however this past saturday, I succumbed to the idea that one person's trash is another's treasure. then again, my stuff wasn't all trash, claimed my craigslist ad on Friday: "I'm not just selling junk people, I will be living out of a suitcase for a year, this stuff has got to go." so armed with pre-priced stickers and lots of small change, i sat outside from 7am to noon, watching people hem and haw over my belongings. Scott, those bike tubes sold in about 2 seconds. other hot items were any sort of jewelry, my John Williams CD, and the Nana and Bumba nesting tables...which I did NOT sell, but turned down a dozen times. all of my patrons were very friendly, with their good mornings and chit chat about the weather, and did not try to bargain prices too much. they ranged from little old ladies that could barely make it up my front step to young hipsters looking for cheap clothing and music. my last sale of a crate and barrel vase for five dollars rounded my earnings off at $100, which goes straight into my savings account for next summer's adventure. as a yard sale novice, i am pretty pleased with its success and if i come upon another time in my life when i want to rid myself of possessions, i may do it again.

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